The Green Machine Gets A Nose Job
We cut off the nose on the donor van and "sew" it onto the Green Machine. New nose. New smile.

But I only had ONE day!
What do you do when you only have ONE DAY? "Till the land!"

Gone in 60 Seconds!
There's a big life lesson here. The GMW gets "taken down" to get ready for rust removal and primer.

At Least Measure Once!
You’ve heard the adage, “Measure twice. Cut once!” Well, I learned the hard way, “At least measure once!” Here’s the story.

No Should Ofs
Our years of meandering the “Blue Highways” have left us with at least one “rule” — No Should Ofs. You know the feeling don’t you?

Prime Time (and Patches)
It’s about time . . . it’s Prime Time!

By A Nose
The schnoz dominated Day 4. Enjoy the color and the nose gallery from ZMax Dragway in Charlotte, NC.

The Donor Car
I’ve been pining for a donor car for the Green Machine project. Turns out, I found one right up the street!

Barn Doors!
The Econoline’s barn doors looked pretty good . . . until I started looking closer. Time to clean, patch, and prime.

Almost Ready For "Prime" Time
That big bumper hid a lot of problems. Time to pull some dents, straighten that grill, and apply primer.

Heavy Metal
Motor out. Glass out. time to get the wires out and get started on that metal work.

Look Mom, No Glass!
The Green Machine gets it’s heartbeat back (almost), looses its glass, and is one step closer to paint. Meanwhile a WHOLE LOT OF LIFE is going on.

Never Underestimate a 10 Year Old
A big job, a young guy, a good time … and work well done!

One of the great delights of life is seeing beyond what we see; to reimagine what could be.
Scalpel Please!
This is the story of the dead van brought back to life with a lot of work and a little surgery. Scalpel please!
Love At First Site (Sort Of)
It was love at first sight . . . sort of. I saw it and had to have it.

The Power Tour - There And Back Again
One of the most exciting things about the 2021 Hot Rod Power tour was getting there . . . and back again!

Just Another Saturday In Arkansas
I went looking for a Wildcat and found a rocket instead. I saw all of these rides within a few miles of our home.
The Sweet Satisfaction of Hard Work
The Sweet Satisfaction Of Hard Work…that brought it. There are days when efforts seem unrewarded. No worries. Press on. In time you will enjoy the sweet satisfaction of your hard work…That smile on my face…it comes from time with Shannan and the sweet satisfaction of hard work…

Ornamental Beauty
Hood ornaments are automotive works of art. They are badges of pride distinguishing one automobile company from another.